
Best sellers in one bucket SKU: FIXIT1


The Fix-In-A-Bucket is filled to the brim with some of our best sellers! This introductory bucket has all of the products for your industrial needs. Each 5 gallon bucket if filled with one of each of the following:


Best sellers in one bucket

Features & Benefits
If you've been wanting try these industrial strength products, now is your chance. All of our best sellers, in one bucket, for one low price.

Plumbers, custodians, facility maintenance personnel, building engineers, hospitality staff, restaurant owners, public works personnel, mechanics, construction, industrial workers, electricians, HVAC technicians machine operators, golf course superintendents, road maintenance crews and roofers.

Hospitals, schools, apartments, dog kennels, nursing homes, wastewater treatment plants, prisons, transportation, waste management facilities, manufacturing facilities, public transportation, municipalities, power plants, gas and oil companies, fleet departments, public works and manufacturing plants.