Ultra Bac™

5 gal pail SKU: EB2203-5


Ultra Bac is the ultimate bacterial digestant formulated to eliminate existing organic waste and odors, as well as prevent future drain and odor problems in an effective and safe way. This revolutionary blend of proprietary ingredients and highly concentrated suspension of bacterial spores provides you with continuous and long-lasting results. Powerful and resilient bacteria strains quickly multiply and produce seven different enzymes to actively digest a variety of heavy organic waste, including paper. The already diluted Ultra Bac contains 300 billion bacteria per gallon to give you more efficient and effective digestive action in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. With its dual counteracting technology the odor control takes place instantly and continues through the course of bacterial decomposition of organic matter, the most common source of malodors. Our hand-selected fragrance adds an attractive element to the overall value of Ultra Bac. In addition, the proprietary formula is fortified with ingredients that have been specially developed to keep the product stable up to two years.

5 gal pail
SKU: EB2203-5

Natural organic waste digestant and odor counteractant in one. Eliminates existing organic waste and odors, as well as prevents future drain and odor problems in an effective and safe way. Features high count of powerful and resilient bacteria, which are capable of effectively performing in a wide pH range, 3.5pH – 11.5pH. 5-gallon pail makes a 55-gallon drum of RTU solution

Features & Benefits
Billions of 7 bacteria strains
Non-toxic, non-acid and non-alkaline
Certified Salmonella and E.coli free

Plumbers, custodians, facility maintenance personnel, office building engineers, hospitality staff, restaurant owners, hospitals, schools, apartments, dog kennels, nursing homes, wastewater treatment plants, prisons, transportation, waste management facilities

Drains, grease traps, sewers, septic tanks, porta toilets, trash cans and compactors, carpets and upholstery, floors, surface odors, toilets, urinals, holding tanks

Fat, grease, oil, starch, organic waste, vomit, feces, urine, paper and more

To formulate Ultra Bac into a high count bacterial digestant: Dilute 1 part of this concentrate with 10 parts of water to make a ready to use Ultra Bac. Blend well and package immediately.
Use already diluted Ultra Bac as follows:
DRAINS: Pour 2 to 8 ounces into drains; repeat 2 to 3 times per week when drains are not in use. NOTE: Do not flush with hot water or use disinfectants right after treatment.
GREASE TRAPS AND SEWERS: Use 16 ounces per every 200 gallons of tank capacity. Drip, pour or pump daily during low flow periods.
SEPTIC TANKS: First week, pour 16 ounces per every 200-gallon tank, then follow with 8-ounce treatment on weekly basis.
SURFACE ODORS: Dilute 1:1 with lukewarm tap water. Wet surfaces heavily and allow for odors to dissipate naturally.
TRASH CANS AND COMPACTORS: Use a dispensing pump or a sprayer to mist daily over the trash to help digest the waste and eliminate odors.
CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY: Dilute 1:1 with lukewarm tap water. Wet fibers thoroughly. Severe odors may require additional applications.
FLOORS: Dilute 1:1 with lukewarm tap water. Add 1 quart to a 5-gallon mop bucket with a floor cleaner or use it alone to mop floors.

Water (7732-18-5)
Bacterial Spore (Proprietary)
Surfactant (166736-08- 9)
Odor Counteractant (Proprietary)
Non Formaldehyde Preservative (55965-84-5)
Fragrance (Proprietary)
Color (Proprietary)

Health: 0
Flammability: 0
Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: B


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Weight52 lbs
Dimensions15 in x 13 in x 13 in
Package Size5 gal pail